Maybe many people don't know, that among the
many islands in the waters of Bintan Indonesia there is one small island that
has the beauty of an amazingly beautiful beach, a small island with white sand
called Pangkil Island.
Pangkil Island is a beautiful island that can be rented for
various events such as office events, wedding receptions, birthdays or just for
a holiday with family. And I am sure that the beauty of Pangkil island will
make you fall in love at first sight, and when you have rented Pangkil island,
it is only you who are on this island, accompanied by very friendly staff and
ready to help you with all the needs you need there.
When guests arrive on the island, some
staff will you giving a fresh welcome drink. Their friendly smiles
and greetings are the main points that give the impression that Pangkil Island
is worth visiting. After that the staff will invite guests to go to the Main
House and start introducing Pangkil Island area.
Welcome Drink from Staff |
Main House
When the first guest arrives, guests will be taken to the main house, where the main house is used as a dining area, a bar and a place to relax.
Driftwood Palace
There are several wooden buildings built like stilt houses, where each of these buildings has several beds that are equipped with mosquito nets and mattresses that are very soft. This type of stage house also has various types, such as Palace 1 which has 2 beds, sofa and a sea view that is visible from behind a thick palm tree.
There are also have Big house and merifield house, where the size of this stage house more bigger than the others, there are 4-6 beds, equipped with mosquito nets and fans, living room and toilet. Under the building there is also a sofa to relax guests, as well as a hammock
Tree house are provide right in front of the sea, there are 2 chairs provided for relaxing and a bed for two people complete with mosquito nets, so guests stay safe from insect bites.
Paddle Board and Kayak
For guests who are happy with water sports, the Team Pangkil Island has provided this water sport vehicle and guests can play on the beach Pangkil with a very beautifull sea view.
Volly Field , Table And Bilyard Tennis
Not far from the Big House, there is a field than can be used by guests to play volleyball, where the ring and ball are provided by the team pangkil, so guests can just play. likewise the billiard table and tennis are also there.
Swimming Pool
Pangkil Island also have swimming pool with a depth of 3 meters, there is also a board that is provided so that guests can freely jump and scatter themselves in the pool. The pool area is equipped with several sun loungers as well as a bed for two people
The guests have meals three times a day namely breakfast, lunch and dinner plus afternoon tea and snacks. Because Pangkil Island is in the sea of Bintan, which is famous for its seafood, the menu provides also come from fresh seafood, such as shrimp, cuttlefish, fish and fresh vegetables. But the dish can also be adjusted to the tastes of guests, whether at that time you want an archipelago menu or want a western menu.
Food and Drink from Pangkil Island |
If you are from Tanjungpinang City, the driver will pick up guest from the designated place.
If the guests from outside the city of Tanjungpinang, guests will be picked up at the Raja Haji Fisabillah airport or the port of Sri Bintan Pura, the length of the journey taken from Tanjungpinang to thepier about 1 hour by road, then proceed with a speed boat trip about 20 minutes to the Island Pangkil.
If the guests from outside the city of Tanjungpinang, guests will be picked up at the Raja Haji Fisabillah airport or the port of Sri Bintan Pura, the length of the journey taken from Tanjungpinang to thepier about 1 hour by road, then proceed with a speed boat trip about 20 minutes to the Island Pangkil.
My Team and Staff Pangkil Island |
jatuh cinta sama pulau ini pokonya, keren banget nih pulau huhuhu susah menjelaskan dengan kata2, pengen balik lagi dan lagi kesini rasanya
BalasHapusYa udah kalo gitu jelaskan pake bahasa tubuh aja bang,,,hahaha
Hapusaamiin semoga babang bisa balik lagi kesana ya
Ulasan dan foto-fotonya ciamiiiikkk ... semacam berkata: ayo ayo datang ke Pulau Pangkil! Terimakasih untuk pos yang super ini :*
BalasHapusbenar banget kak...pulau pangkil bak surga tersembunyi di bintan, rasanya senang banget bisa kesini
Hapuso my god, this is bloody pretty beaches, I wanna go back when I see this pict 😍
BalasHapusyou can comeback to Pangkil island, when you get wedding with Mr. RVT,,hahahha
HapusJadi Pangkil Island ini semacam resor ya, kak. Outing kantornya asyik banget!
BalasHapusseperti resort juga, namun sistemnya sewa pulaunya sekaligus
HapusReally2 private resort for visitor ya kak..luv
BalasHapusyes,,private resort and just me and friend stay there
HapusPulau Pangkil kelihatan sudah dikelola dengan baik, jadi semacam resort dan hanya dapat dikunjungi tertentu yang bermalam disana.
BalasHapusSuka dengan setting area Merifield Housenya.
Saya suka semuanya yang ada disana kak...bersih dan tertata banget...
HapusWhen else can you become James Bond who has a private island, right?. Only here we can feel that sensation, Pangkil Island Resort. Dream vacation.
BalasHapusi hope someday you can back here with your love :)
Hapusasikk banget ni main2 di pulau pribadi dengan pasir putih nya yang wow dan eksotisnya pulau
BalasHapuspasti dong kakak...aku aja rasanya betah banget ada di pangkil, enggan beranjak pulang
HapusKeren banget pulaunya ini kak, semua bangunan terbuat dari kayu dan hanya satu grup yang bisa sewa pulau ini dalam sekali waktu. liburan impian pokonya ini mah.
BalasHapusDibuat private agar privasi dari tamu yang berlibur tidak terganggu oleh keberadaan orang lain.. ini yang membuat pangkil jadi pilihan yang tepat untuk berbagai acara :)
Hapusku iri pengen juga ke pulau ini tapi apalah daya ku yang sekarang, ku hanya bisa mupeng saja lihatnya
BalasHapuskita tak pernah tau apa yang terjadi besok..bisa jadi kamu kesini tanpa diduga sebelumnya :)
Hapusingin balik lagi rasanya uwuw
BalasHapusSemoga ada rejeki dan waktu ya, semoga bisa lagi bertemua pangkil island yang indah :)
Hapuskeren banget emank pulaunya ini. pas kesini serasa gak mau pulang. tenang banget, nyaman.
BalasHapuswedding disana bang...cocok buat party private bersama orang orang terdekat saja..tapi aku diajak ya..hehhe
HapusKenapa kakak selalu ada di setiap tempat baru yang ada di Kepri. Ada Apa Dengan Cinta
BalasHapusada rasa penasaran om..jadi kudu dikunjungi, karena panggilan dari bahasa kalbu..hahahha
HapusBersih banget resort nya yaa kak,sama sekali gak ada sampah. saia suka saia suka
BalasHapusSaya juga sukaaa..sukaaa..dan sukaaa...