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Kampong Glam Ignites With Passion : Fun Weekend with Tourists And Local Residents

Passion@KampongGlam is a lively series of fun weekend activities from 5 October 2018 – 17 March 2019

Start October 2018…...The historical precinct of Kampong Glam will soon be pulsating with an exciting series of fun and entertaining activities for both tourists and local residents from 5 October 2018 to 17 March 2019.

Deeply rooted in the colonial history of Singapore, Kampong Glam serves not only as a flourishing centre of Malay and Islamic culture but a thriving tourist hub filled with an incredible mix of inspiring personalities, interesting shops, vibrant cafes/restaurants and a buzzing ambience. Passion@KampongGlam is a weekend series of experiences dedicated to bringing out the best of this enclave through a carefully curated programme of food, music and cultural activities designed to appeal to both international tourists and local residents in a six-month period.

Fun Weekend with Tourists

Developed with the support of the Singapore Tourism Board’s Experience Step-Up Fund, the series reflects the historical and cultural aspects of Kampong Glam in an engaging manner. Riding on the STB’s new ‘Passion Made Possible’ brand, the series encourages visitors to immerse themselves in the experiences and integrate with the community.

“Passion@KampongGlam is more than an expression of the affection and respect for this heritage enclave. The series pays tribute to this heritage enclave with an enjoyable mix of activities to appeal to all ages,” explains Benedict Choa, Founder of Passion@KampongGlam. As the co-founder of Cube Boutique Capsule Hotels, Mr Choa heads the collaborative group of partners tasked with this mission.

He adds, “We are passionate about supporting the culture, businesses and attractions in this precinct. Working with the community leaders and stake holders ensures that the cultural legacy is carried on in a meaningful way.”

Kampong Glam Ignites With Passion

The activities will take place from a Friday to Sunday from 4-6pm in a six-month period in the following format with a total of 72 days of experiences on a specially erected stage in front of the Singapore Visitor Centre on Bussorah Street:

• Friday – Cooking demonstrations with top chefs 
• Saturday – live music performances 
• Sunday – games and cultural activities 

The cooking demonstrations will be hosted by prominent celebrity Chef Mel Dean and a halal food ambassador of Singapore. A recipient of the Honoree Entrepreneur Award from the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce (SMCCI) and the winner of the Halal Jampacked Food Bank with Jamiyah Singapore, he has cooked for VIPs and been featured on food programmes on television and radio. The founder of Kapowww specializing in halal food products, Chef Mel will share his culinary specialities through his innovative, interactive cooking workshops and live cooking demonstrations. Chef Mel will host the demonstration with Resident Chef Oktay Sahin of REIS Steak House and a different guest chef every Friday.

Kampong Glam Ignites With Passion
Chef Mel Dean and Hosted

On Saturdays, various musical artistes will take to the stage including local indie musicians from the Sultangate Musicman featuring a repertoire of popular local folk songs, multi-cultural music reflecting the diverse heritage of Singapore and contemporary pop hits; angklung(bamboo tube instruments) performances by Ethnique Musique Connections and Dikir Barat.

Kampong Glam Ignites With Passion
Sultangate Musicman

Traditional games & cultural activities will be conducted for families to enjoy on Sundays. Visitors will also be able to browse the kiosks stationed near the stage. 

For Information :

Instagram: #passionkampongglam 


  1. wah, keen ya acara beginian. mantap dah

  2. mari kita ke singapura saat weekend :)

  3. Yok kita ke Singapore lagi kak, dah kangen nih.

  4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. Jom ke singapore kakkk

    1. ayuk ayuk,..mari kita kesingapura kampong glam bareng bareng :)

  6. yukkk..kita ke spore bareng2..

    1. ayuk kak...air asia biasanya banyak promo tuh

  7. Balasan
    1. hayuk hayuk..prepare ah dari sekarang tiketnya

  8. mantap banget nih. yuk ke Singapura kita kak. apa lagi iye kan. keren nih pasti acaranya

  9. Mantap dan mengasyikkan selalu jalan-jalannya Kak Sarah :)

    1. alhamdulillah teh...masih dikasi kesempatan menikmatinya :)

  10. Balasan
    1. ayuk ayuk kita weekend ke kampong glam

  11. Singapura ... impian sejak zaman Patih Gajah Mada sampai sekarang #Eh :D

  12. Wah... boleh nih. Ternyata ada acaranya. Lama juga periodenya ya.


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